Welcome to my humble page

I can’t offer you anything but my thought, view, experience, and stories

Since I’m an Indonesian, most of my writing would be in Indonesian; but I’ll try my best to translate all my writing into English

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Enjoy it~

Last Monday Dewi visited my boarding house again. And since Evi worked overtime (always overtime~) again, Dewi had to stay in my room for awhile. As always, we had an interesting conversation.

Dewi told me, “I have to save money, I mean, a lot of money.”

I asked, “what for?”







Seemed my questions irritated her… (sorry dear >.<). I told her that everything is a naught, why must you worry about money?

Nevertheless, she still doesn’t take my words and insisted that money is important for the future.

The funny thing is, I unconsciously said, “Well, just leave it to the Lord then :D after all the time is near, God will rapture me in no time ^o^”

“You crazy, you don’t want to live in the world anymore? The world is beautiful, duh!“


Man, it is such a tragedy to see her response. While I see them, the people that still love this world, as strange people; those people see the likes of me as the creepy group (lol).

Back to the topic. I could see why she thinks money is important tough. I used to be such a greedy person; I desired more and more money. The money my parents gave seemed never enough for me and I dreamed of the luxurious lifestyle. In my mind, money would make everything easier. I could rent an apartment, shop for many branded clothes, do something about my face and body, etc. Alas, everything was a naught.

I realized that when human left this world, the human would bring nothing from this world. We don’t need to pile up treasure, money, fame, or anything from this world since it won’t give us salvation. Along with it, nobody knows when is the time, why don’t we live for God starting for now then?

Most people are busy with their own problems, yet the Lord did tell us to take it easy and let Him take care of it. He wants us to just enjoy living in Him and let Him take care of everything, is that hard?

Hmm…It is hard, but it is worthed J
Just let the Lord lead your life~

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