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I can’t offer you anything but my thought, view, experience, and stories

Since I’m an Indonesian, most of my writing would be in Indonesian; but I’ll try my best to translate all my writing into English

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

About the Gay

Nowadays, I read so many articles about the gay and lesbian such as the marriage of the gay couple, the discrimination they experienced, festival of the gay, and the gay genes (??).

I personally do not agree on the gay marriage, I hate the “gay thing” not the gay people. I believe even the gays are loved by the Lord and He has a great plan for them, so it’s not my place to judge the gays evil, low, nasty, etc; we human are wretched, we have no right to judge them. Just leave the judgments to our greatest Judge, Lord Jesus Christ.

One common statement from the gay is, “God created me gay”; to be honest I want to throw a bottle or maybe a shoe to his/her face and yell “WAKE UP!” since the gay blamed God about his/her sexual preference.

In my humble opinion, it is not genetic. A single cell couldn’t make a person to be a gay, our great God won’t make the gene that simple so a single cell would ruin a person. Every person has the power to control his or her mind; this is what I call free will. Thus, being a gay is a matter of the person’s will, not their gene or whatsoever.

After all, there is no gay gene. I tried to find some articles about the gay genes; instead, I found out that the scientists never found any gay gene; there is no such thing like that.

Some articles I found:

Then, a person being a gay is a matter of his/her life experience and the choice of life, not a genetic problem.

A boy might be a gay because of his childhood experience such as, his mother was a cruel mom, hurting the father and the boy, alas, the mother who is a woman became the terror for him made him despises woman, feeling loved and safer with man. He choose not to overcome his trauma and stay on his safe zone, hence the world got one new gay.  ß Common scenario

Traumatic experience, environment, and the people around are the key factors for a person being gay, no such stupid things as genes, God never make any mistake.

It is possible for a gay to be normal; I believe they can be normal if they want it. After all, with God, any things are possible, the gay just need to repent and seek the Lord.

Put everything on God, surrender yourself and let Him lead you.  

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