This unfortunate event reminds me of my past which is related to burglar things. I was in a sophomore in high school and still living with my family. However, that time Dad wasn’t home, alas I only have my Mom and Bro together. My living place always was a complicated matter ever since I can remember, we always moving to another place. My family owns a shop and planned to move the shop to other venue. Hence, we have the building, which was in a quiet area without other residents but me and Mom. Bro decided to stay at the old shop until the new one completely established leaving us the ladies alone.
Mom is a religious one, she prays every day and I was a bad child then. I ignored everything and just locked myself in the room playing alone, I also hated to go to school since I dislike the people there (I was such a wrench -___-a). Back to the topic … In reality, two ladies alone in a big building surrounded by darkness since there were no other people live there would be an easy target for criminal. In spite of that, there was nothing at all! We never experienced dangerous situation of a burglar broke into our home or whatsoever. Instead, it was peaceful time until Dad returned.
I didn’t realize it back then, but God’s grace already shines upon my family for a long time and it still working until now (and forever I believe J). There were no burglar attempts when it was only me and Mom, but when there was a man in the house then something happens.
If I remember correctly, it was the second or the third night after Dad return. Mom awoke as she wanted to go to the bathroom. She passed the back window and realizes there was someone there. She didn’t scream or woke Dad up but simply took some water, splashed it out the window and that unknown person fled in hurry. That was the first burglar attempt my family has experienced and the Lord protected us amazingly.
Not long after the first event, the second event also involved Mom. That time she heard noises at the back, she assumed it was me (who always stay late playing video games) but she saw my light was off and decided to check it. I don’t really remember it but she didn’t splash water to the burglar like the first event but touched the window curtain and the burglar fled. The next morning she checked the window, she found some blades there and I don’t wanna imagine the “if” scenario.
Even more, there was the third attempt. The first two tried to broke in through the back window on the second floor, the third one tried to break the steel door at the third floor.
Here’s the story. It was midnight and raining, Bro’s room was at the third floor and at that time he prayed just like usual. Believe it or not, God told him about devil trying to come into the house. In other words, the Lord warned him about the burglar then he realized there was someone trying to break the door!
I’m overjoyed, these are old stories but I’m in awe since I experienced God’s grace in my own life and now I realize He always take cares of my family! I also stated that there are no lies in the bible, and indeed the bible contains truth more than you can imagine. Those experiences are the living words of these verses:
(Psalms chapter 91:11)
“For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”
(Psalm chapter 121:7)
“The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.”

A little addition about the truth of bible, my ex-bf misunderstood about Christian and said he dislike the “promises” things. That time I wasn’t home into the Lord house and I couldn’t answer anything to it since my thought of it almost the same as him then. However, I think with the support of the Holy Spirit I can answer him boldly that the Lord made promises and going to fulfill it exactly just like what He stated in the bible. It’s up to us to believe it or not, just remember that the Lord never lies!
God promised to grant us this and that, but we also have to love and obey Him. He can’t just grant the wicked along with the good; after all, God is fair.